Guidelines for managing human-wildlife conflict

The government has issued an order declaring the escalating human-wildlife conflict a state-specific disaster. To address this, a state-level committee chaired by the Chief Minister has been formed. This committee will provide necessary guidelines for activities aimed at mitigating human-wildlife conflict. Furthermore, to ensure effective implementation, a hierarchical structure has been established. This structure includes a state-level officer control committee chaired by the Chief Secretary, district-level control committees, and local vigilance committees.The government has issued guidelines for managing human-wildlife conflict activities. As per the directives, the Chief Wildlife Warden will serve as the nodal officer for handling such conflicts. A control room will be established at the forest department headquarters, equipped with modern information and communication systems, including Whats App. Sixteen guidelines have been approved and ordered, including the reinforcement of rapid response teams, ensuring water availability for animals in the forest, and instructing the head of the forest department to promptly provide compensation in the event of wildlife attacks.file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/govtorder1103202419_32_02.pdf


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