Vidyasree Project; A helping hand for digital learning

The aim is to create a better model for the advancement of digital education by making laptops available to Kudumbasree family members at affordable rates in the ubiquitous online learning environment. This scheme has been initiated and started by the Kerala State Financial Enterprises (KSFE) Ltd. for Kudumbhashree. The government officials will make and release a tender to the different technology companies to supply laptops at a very low price within a short period of time. The plan is to make available Laptop for those who join the 30-month savings plan with a monthly payment of Rs.500 1.44 lakh Kudumbasree members have already joined the Vidyasree scheme. Laptops from HP, Acer, Lenovo, and Coconics are currently being distributed under the scheme. The Vidyasree project is another initiative of Kudumbasree which has created an international model in women empowerment. This scheme has benefitted the students who belong to economically poor families.

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