G.O. (M/S)11/2025/Industries-KCCP Limited - Conversion of Government loan into equity and increasing of authorized share capital of the company from Rs.4 crore to Rs.30 crore - Sanction accorded - Orders issued
G.O. (M/S)13/2025/Industries-Kerala State Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd - Reviving the post of Deputy Manager (P&A) and renaming it as Deputy Manager (Projects) and fixing the eligibility criteria for the said post - Order issued
G.O. (M/S)1/2025/Industries-Sanctioned Orders for Renewal of Government Guarantee to Kerala Cashew Board (KCB) Ltd for ₹100 Crore Loan Facility from Kerala Bank for Six Years, Effective from 01/11/2024
G.O. (M/S)57/2024/Industries-Regarding KMMLs contract with Tetrabic, Hyderabad for iron oxide residue value addition, sewage treatment, and 5-acre land lease on a DBFO basis.
G.O. (RT)1003/2024/Industries-Extending the tenure of Mrs. Sheela Thomas IAS(Rtd), Chairperson & Managing Director, Kerala Rubber Limited by one year from 09.09.2024
G.O. (M/S)28/2024/Industries-The long-term salary contract of the workers of Forest Industries Travancore Limited has been amended to give retrospective effect in proportion to the dearness allowance at the revised rate
G.O. (M/S)27/2024/Industries-Administrative sanction accorded for the technology revamping/modification of the existing Acid Regeneration Plant (ARP).
G.O. (M/S)20/2024/Industries-Revision of pay and allowances of permanent employees of Kerala Bureau of Industrial Promotion (K-Bip) - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
G.O. (M/S)15/2024/Industries-The action of the Managing Director, who disbursed a bonus/ex gratia for the year 2020-2021 to the employees of United Electrical Industries Limited, has been validated.
G.O. (M/S)14/2024/Industries-Regarding the provision of financial assistance for the repayment of the exempted amount related to the formulation of a pollution control scheme
G.O. (M/S)11/2024/Industries-ദി കേരള സെറാമിക്സ് ലിമിറ്റഡ് - ഖനന പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങൾക്കായി ഏറ്റെടുത്ത ഭൂമിയിൽ നിന്ന് കുടിയൊഴിപ്പിക്കപ്പെട്ട 14 കുടുംബങ്ങളിലെ ഒരാൾക്ക് വീതം തൊഴിൽ നൽകുന്നതിന് അനുമതി നൽകി
G.O. (M/S)8/2024/Industries-Travancore Titanium Products Limited has issued an order granting special casual leave to Shri. M S Jayamohan, the Welfare Assistant, who recently underwent cardiac surgery
G.O. (M/S)22/2023/Industries-Granting retroactive effect to the allowances in salary revision of the managerial section of the employees of Travancore Cochin Chemicals Ltd
G.O. (M/S)23/2023/Industries-The action of granting Performance cum Motivation Allowance / Exgratia to the employees of Travancore Titanium Products Limited has been validated.
G.O. (M/S)9/2023/Industries-KSDPL - Revised Administrative Sanction for the project of a Non-betalactam plant for the production of LVP/SVP/Ophthalmic products
G.O. (M/S)7/2023/Industries-Regarding No Objection Certificate for signing MOU For Formation of Joint Venture between Keltron and Krasny Defence Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
G.O. (M/S)5/2023/Industries-Validating the dicision of managing directors to grant exgratia to the employees of KELTRON and its associated companies for the financial year 2020-21