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G.O. (RT)394/2025/LSGD-Re-appointment of Mrs. Oleena AG to the post of Director, Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority - Order extending the period
G.O. (M/S)35/2024/LSGD-Smt. Nisha Balakrishnan has been appointed to the post of LD clerk in the Local Self Government Department using the special powers of KS & SSR Rule 39.
G.O. (M/S)9/2024/LSGD-Regarding the fund allocation of the scheme Foot over-bridge at Nehru Trophy Starting Point under the urban transport sector of the Amruth Project in Alappuzha Municipality
G.O. (M/S)159/2023/LSGD-The period of service under the working arrangement of Mrs Preeja Padmanabhan M, Deputy Town Planner, Office of the Chief Town Planner and Mr Shameer K, Deputy Town Planner, LSGD Vigilance Wing has been extended.
G.O. (M/S)277/2022/LSGD-Creation of 354 additional posts and the abolition of 578 non-essential posts in Corporations and Municipalities of the State - Order issued
G.O. (M/S)229/2021/LSGD-Local Self Government Department -urban sanitation and technical expert,finance management expert post -salary enhanced-orders issued
G.O(MS)NO.161-LSGDCO-OP-Local Self Government Department -employees,former Kozhikkode Development Authority -tenth salary revision order -amended-orders issued G.O(Ms)No.161-LSGD
G.O(MS)NO.74-LSGDCO-OP-Local Self Government Department - estta-officials filed before hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal-judgment complied with -orders issued G.O(Ms)No.74-LSGD
G.O.(MS) NO. 58/LSGDCO-OP-Implementation of second phase of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) project, by ensuring the timely allocation of State share for the project, based on Operation Guidelines for the implementation Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) - G.O.(Ms) No. 58-LSGD
G.O(MS)NO.56-LSGDCO-OP-Local Self Government Department -Smt.Pappathi and others filed before hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal -judgement -orders issued G.O(Ms)No.56-LSGD
G.O.(MS) NO. 10/LSGDCO-OP-Local Self Government Department - Thiruvananthapuram Development Authority - Revision of pay and allowances of the staff - Extending the benefits of Tenth Pay revision order - sanctioned - Orders issued. - G.O.(Ms) No. 10-LSGD
G.O(MS)NO.192-LSGDCO-OP-Local Self Government Department -SC staff worked in AHADS-appointed in various govt departments-sanctioned -orders issued G.O(Ms)No.192-LSGD