G.O. (Others)3/2025/P&ARD-National Award for e-Governance 2025 - Submission of nominations
G.O. (M/S)17/2024/P&ARD-The notification regarding the transfer of various boards and companies under the Public Service Commission has been amended.
G.O.(MS) NO. 18/2021/P&ARDCO-OP-Kerala Public Service Commission (Consultation by Corporations and Companies) Amendment Rules, 2021 - G.O.(Ms) No. 18-2021-P&ARD
-KAT - Personnel & Administration Reforms - Application invited for the post of Judicial Members in Kerala Administrative Tribunal - reg. - No. AR12-2-44-2021
-Applications invited for the post of Judicial Members in Kerala Administrative Tribunal - No. A.R.12-2-44-2021-P&ARD
G.O.(P) NO. 4/P&ARDCO-OP-Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) Amendment Rules, 2019. - G.O.(P) No. 4-P&ARD
-Kerala Administrative Tribunal - Vacancy of Administrative member - reg. - No. A.R.12(2)-159-2017-P&ARD
G.O.(P) NO.3/2018/P&ARD.CO-OP-Personnel and Administrative Reforms - Kerala PSC Act, 2017 (17 of 2017) - reg. G.O.(P) No.3-2018-P&ARD.
G.O.(P) NO. 12/2017/P&ARDCO-OP-Personnel and Administrative Reforms (AR 12) Department - Notification - The Kerala Civil Service Executive Special Rules published under notification Government orders. - G.O.(P) No. 12-2017-P&ARD
-Kerala Administrative Tribunal - Application invited for the post of Administrative Member- reg. - No. iprd-17x.71
G.O.(P) NO.30/2016/P&ARD.CO-OP-Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Rules) Department - Special Rules for the Kerala Last Grade Service (2nd Amendment) Rules 2016 - G.O.(P) No.30-2016-P&ARD
G.O.(MS.) NO. 18/2016/P&ARD.CO-OP-Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Advice-C) Department - Kerala Public Service Commission (Consultation by Corporations and Companies) Rules, 1971, Amendment - reg. - G.O.(Ms.) No. 18-2016-P and ARD.
G.O.(P) NO. 12/2016/P&ARD.CO-OP-Kerala Last Grade Service (Amendment) Rules, 2016 - G.O.(P) No. 12-2016-P&ARD.
G.O.(MS) NO.18/2016/P&ARD.CO-OP-P and ARD - KPSC(Consultation by Corporation and Companies) Rules, 1971 - Amendment - reg. - G.O.(Ms) No.18-2016-P and ARD.
-General transfer of Government employees - Dependants of paramilitary forces & government employees who are blind - Category of special reservation groups - Prioritised- Orders IssuedG.O.(P) No.36-2014-P&ARD
G.O.(P) NO.40-2014-P&ARDCO-OP-Appointment to the Last Grade Service - Police Verification andPSC Verification made mandatory for Regularization of Service Orders IssuedG.O.(P) No.40-2014-P&ARD
-Replacements for Use of 'From & To' (in Malayalam) in Government CommunicationsNo. 5848-O-N.3-14-P&ARD
G.O(P)NO. 27-2014-P&ARDCO-OP-Notification- GO(P)No. 27-2014-P&ARD
G.O. (MS) NO. 8-2014-P&ARDCO-OP-Special Consideration for Dependants of Non-Resident Keralites orders issued.G.O. (MS) No. 8-2014-P&ARD
G.O(P) NO.56-2012-P&ARDCO-OP-Notification - G.O (P) No.56-2012-P&ARD
G.O(P) NO.55-2012-P&ARDCO-OP-Notification - G.O (P) No.55-2012-P&ARD
-Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Public Administration for the year 2011-12- Nominations - called for – Reg.
-Recruitment to Public Service-Advance intimation to the Kerala Public Service Commission regarding anticipated vacancies-Instructions-issued.No.7049-Adv.C3-2012-P&ARD
-No. 4818-R1-2012-P&ARD -Circular-Subject-Public Service- Departmental Promotion Committee- Rule 28 (b) (i) (4) Part II of the Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules, 1958 -Observance of the Procedure - Instruction – Issued
G.O(P)NO. 18-2010-P&ARDCO-OP-Notification- GO(P)No. 18-2010-P&ARD
G.O(P)NO. 19-2010-P&ARDCO-OP-Notification- GO(P)No. 19-2010-P&ARD
G.O(MS)NO. 1-2011-P&ARDCO-OP-Notification- GO(Ms)No. 1-2011-P&ARD
-Government of Kerala here by make the following rules further to amend the Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules, 1958G.O.(P)No.2-2010-P&ARD
-Government of Kerala here by make the following rules further to amend the Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules, 1958.Notification- GO(P) No.06-2010-P&ARD
-Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules further to amend the Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules, 1958. Notification- GO(P) No.13-2000-P&ARD
-Amendment of List I and List II of part I, Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules-reg.Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Rules) Department- Notifification- GO (P) No.13-2009-P&ARD
G.O(P) NO.14-2009-P&ARDCO-OP-Amendment to rule 28 (b)(i)(4)(c) of part II, Kerala State & Subordinate Services Rules.Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Rules) Department- GO (P) No.14-2009-P&ARD
-About State Level Official Language Awards.No 11719-OL3-09-P&ARD(malayalam)
G.O.(P) NO. 3-2007-P&ARDCO-OP-Notification- G.O.(P) No. 3-2007-P&ARD
-NOTIFICATION- G.O. (P) No. 11-2002-P&ARD. S.R.O.No. 186-2002. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Kerala Public Services Act, 1968 (19 of 1968), read with Section 3 thereof, the Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules further to amend the Kerala Government Servants Conduct rules, 1960, namely -